Dream Bigger, Achieve Greater with Opteo Health!

Navigating the healthcare world can be like charting unknown waters. Between managing finances, ensuring compliance, and delivering unparalleled care, practices often find themselves overwhelmed. Enter Opteo Health – your guiding beacon!

Why Every Forward-Thinking Practice is Choosing Opteo Health:


Unmatched Experience

We’ve been in your shoes – owning, managing, and expanding medical practices. We’ve started from the roots, experienced the challenges, and pioneered growth paths, giving us an unparalleled edge in assisting your practice.


Mastering Practice Expansion

Expanding across state borders? We’ve got the roadmap. Our deep understanding of corporate practice of medicine laws across states makes expansion seamless.


Revenue Optimization

Why stop at good when you can achieve the best? By introducing additional services tailored to your patient base and training your staff for best practices, we drive enhanced revenue streams.


Credentialing & Licensing Mastery

No more daunting paperwork or licensing woes. Our comprehensive experience ensures you’re always compliant, licensed, and ready to serve.


Protecting Your Practice

With meticulously designed chart note templates, we safeguard your practice against potential pitfalls, ensuring documentation is always accurate and audit-ready.


Cost vs. Value

While cost is a factor, the real value lies in experience. In the world of medical billing, an experienced partner like Opteo Health is not just a choice but a necessity. We ensure you reap rewards far beyond what you invest.


The Opteo Health Advantage


Tailored Solutions

Your practice is unique. Our strategies, therefore, are custom-made to fit your specific needs, amplifying success.


Constant Learning

We stay ahead with payer clinical and reimbursement guidelines, ensuring you’re always in the know and a step ahead.


Partnership Over Business

We’re not just a service provider; we’re partners in your journey towards unparalleled success.

Dedicated to Comprehensive Medical Billing

At Opteo Health, we pride ourselves on offering comprehensive medical billing services tailored to a wide range of medical specialties. We understand the intricacies and nuances of each discipline, ensuring that your billing process is accurate, efficient, and seamless. Here are the specialties we currently cater to:

  • Conservative Wound Care: Focused on managing wounds without aggressive interventions. We comprehend the nuances of billing for treatments that prioritize the body’s natural healing process.
  • Advanced Wound Care: From bioengineered tissues to negative pressure wound therapy, we’re adept at handling the complexities of advanced wound care billing.
  • Mental Health: We ensure accurate billing for services ranging from therapy sessions to complex psychiatric treatments, understanding the importance of privacy and meticulousness in this domain.
  • Cardiology: With the myriad of procedures and tests in cardiology, our billing expertise ensures you get compensated for every rhythm and beat.
  • Interventional Cardiology: Specialized procedures demand specialized billing expertise. From angioplasties to stent placements, we’ve got you covered.
  • Urology: Addressing the diverse procedures from kidney stone treatments to prostate surgeries, we streamline the billing process, making it as efficient as the treatments you provide.
  • Family Medicine: For the broad spectrum of care that family physicians provide, we offer comprehensive billing solutions that encompass all.
  • Internal Medicine: Catering to adults with multifaceted conditions, our billing solutions are as specialized as your care.
  • IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program): We recognize the intensive nature of these services and ensure that the billing mirrors the dedication of the providers.
  • PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program): Bridging the gap between inpatient and outpatient care, our billing services for PHP are meticulous and comprehensive.
  • Orthopedic Surgery: From joint replacements to spine surgeries, our billing solutions encapsulate the vast realm of orthopedic procedures.
  • Neurology: For the intricate network of the nervous system, our billing processes are streamlined to capture the complexities of neurological care.

Your Practice is Our Priority
Let Us Help Grow Your Business

We constantly strive to expand our horizons, updating our expertise in the ever-evolving world of medicine. If you don’t see your specialty listed, do reach out. We’re ready to adapt and serve.

Let Opteo Health help ensure your practice doesn’t just grow, but flourishes.
